Does your IT strategy support your business?
It is essential to have an IT strategy in place so the IT department and business units can have a common vision – one that grows the business. It is common place to find IT budgets and spend expanding without any real returns in sight while the list of wasted resources keeps piling up.
The absence of an IT strategy or a weak strategy is dangerous and can lead to hundreds of millions of dollars down the drain. It also reflects on the organization as one that cannot keep up with changing times and technologies and is always stressed in trying to keep pace with competitors. However, this if highly avoidable – trust us to carve out an IT strategy for you that works and to get the maximum return on your investment.
Does your IT strategy answer the following questions?
- Is our information technology supporting our business objectives and most important business priorities?
- Do our technology investments make sense – are they a good use of our money?
- Are the technology results measurable?
- Is our IT environment managed, maintained and secured adequately, is it cost-effective and is it supporting clients like it should?
- Is our strategy future-ready and can it take care of business needs in the future?
- Is our Information Technology agile and flexible enough to support the dynamics of a growing business and future technological disruptions?