Schemes for Distributed Computing Environment Based on Cloud Computing Technology for Ministry of Regional Municipalities and Water Resources (MRMWR) Oman

Dr. Boumedyen Shanna, Richmond Adebiaye


This work developed two Schema for distributed computing environment based on cloud computing technology to organize a dynamic load balancing in complex virtual computing . As well as analyzed and discussed problems, characteristics, architectures and applications of various approaches to building the operating environment for user access and for running applications in a distributed computing environment based on cloud computing technology. The aim of this work is to improve the efficiency of distributed computing in the cloud system, to introduce an approach to represent the operating environment for the organization of secure user access to computing control and development principles that run demanding applications in a distributed computing environment based on cloud computing technology. To achieve this goal, new methodology have been developed for running applications in the cloud, allowing to increase the overall performance of heterogeneous software and hardware systems .The designed method allows organizing an effective computer system that allows for dynamic balancing of computing nodes of the cloud computing environment due to migration processes, not data.


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